{% for name, template in templates %} {% if block('toolbar', template) is defined %} {% with { collector: profile ? profile.getcollector(name) : null, profiler_url: profiler_url, token: token ?? (profile ? profile.token : null), name: name, profiler_markup_version: profiler_markup_version, csp_script_nonce: csp_script_nonce, csp_style_nonce: csp_style_nonce } %} {{ block('toolbar', template) }} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if full_stack %}
Using symfony/symfony is NOT supported

This project is using Symfony via the "symfony/symfony" package.

This is NOT supported anymore since Symfony 4.0.

Even if it seems to work well, it has some important limitations with no workarounds.

Using this package also makes your project slower.

Please, stop using this package and replace it with individual packages instead.
{% endif %}